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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

297 days to go:TOWER OF TERROR

297 days to go: Here's what I'm going to blog about today, Hollywood Studios Tower of Terror. This is the first big thrill ride at Disney's Hollywood Studios (MGM Studios). The story starts October 31, 1939 in the Hollywood Tower Hotel. The tale is that a group of people where going to the 13th floor and elevator was stuck by lightning, trapping the people in the Twilight Zone. You enter the ride by walking through an eerie path over grown with ivy and Spanish moss. You'll follow the path under an old wooden canopy and along the building. When entering the Hollywood Tower Hotel, you can cleanly see there was an upset. Everything was left the way it was the day of the tragic accident. This most have been truly disturbing to the guess because it seems a lot of them were in such a hurry to get out they left a lot of their belongings behind. The inside of this ride is amazing, everything looks so creepy. The lobby's furniture is covered in dust and cob webs( look on the desk with the ink jar on it for a hidden mickey). Once you "check in" the bus boy will take you to the library. When you enter the library the lights flicker and The Twilight Zone comes on the TV. The Twilight Zone tells you the story about what happened that night everything went wrong and what we can do to try to help them back to this dimension. After leaving the library you journey into a dark boiler rooms and prepare to board the service elevator. Strap in and get ready for a thrill. There is one pit stop on the way though. On the way up you'll stop to see ghostly figures of the people in the Twilight Zone as they fade to nothing( look at the doll the little girl is holding for another hidden mickey). Finally when you reach the top you will go forward through a room full of clocks, gears, and stars. Then you come to a sudden halt and 2 vertical lines appear and start to move towards each other. When the lines meet the doors to outside kick open, your eyes adjust to the sun light, you get a split second of an overview of the park, and goodbye. You drop then it shakes you up and down, kind of like you would a can of paint. The drops are completely random will never be the same. I give this ride a 4.5 out of 5. It would have a 5 if it was for the line. Everything else is great. The ride has an amazing story. The imagineers did an outstanding job on this attraction. The interior is so beautiful and eerie. Thats all for today though hope you enjoyed this.

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